A checklist is the easiest and simplest way to give yourself directions, pointers, and reminders for your Hobby Session.

Pre-Start Questions

What equipment or gear do you need, if any?

Are there things you need to know beforehand for this hobby? (ex. special skills, safety guidelines)

Are you joining a group or team?

Have you found a community, like a social media page, local shop, in-person club, or newsletter related to your hobby? (great sources of support and tips)

<aside> 💡 Pre-questions get you familiar with what you use or what can help before needing anything.



Let’s check a few reminders before starting your Hobby Planner and Hobby Tracker.

<aside> 💡 Sometimes we think something is a good idea until we check. For example, maybe you really want to try a new gym for your hobby. You visit first to see what it’s like before you commit to being there.


Your Custom Checklist